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Moving Tips

Published: May 2017
Author: Bank of England Mortgage Staff

movingtips While moving, and having a new home to make your own is exciting, it can also bring a little more stress than anticipated. But there are ways to survive the process without pulling your hair. Here are manageable tips that will lower your stress before, during and after you've boxed up your whole life and moved into your new abode.

Create a moving tasks calendar and to do list. Get organized! When you move homes, you inevitably end up having 600 different things to do and remember. Don't let all these tasks and important reminders, no matter how seemingly obvious, slip your mind.

Don't hoard unnecessary things to your new home. Get rid of it! While it could sometimes be a tough decision to make on what to hold on to or toss, it will be such a stress reliever when it comes time to unpack and you've already sorted through the clutter beforehand.

Don't wait until the last minute and throw anything you can get your hands on in random boxes. Plan and take the time to pack like items together, so that when you are ready to unpack you can put things in their place quickly and easily. You don't want to find yourself digging through a box of kitchen items and find toiletries.

Set stuff aside if you have the time flexibility to sell items you no longer want. Have a garage sale, post on Craig's list, local Facebook selling page.

Avoid confusion for yourself and those that are helping unload by labeling boxes accordingly. Not only should you label by room, but labeling the boxes by content makes it much easier as well.

Schedule a free donation pickup. Save yourself the trip and make the call, while helping others!

Change your address a week before you move. This is one of those things everyone forgets to do until they're two weeks into life in a new home and they realize their Amazon Prime shipment still hasn't arrived. Change your address ahead of time so your bills, credit card statements, and packages can arrive on time and without hassle.

If you are hiring movers, do so at least a month in advance. If you are flexible on your moving day, then you could get a lower cost for weekday moving.

It will be an added expense but renting a moving truck helps a lot with the process. Even if you are only moving across town, it's simpler to load a truck and move everything at one time.

When loading the moving truck, do so by grouping the boxes by room. Obviously, there will be some items that need to go in certain spots – like all the heavy items being along the walls so that you can tie them down. Trust, you will be so glad you didn't skip over this tip!

Good luck with your exciting new move, we at BOE Mortgage wish you all the success for a stress-free move!

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