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Indoor Winter House Cleaning & Organizing

Published: December 2017
Author: Bank of England Mortgage Staff

Terms Winter is underway and with it comes a whole new set of tasks designed to keep your home in good shape during the cold weather ahead.
From cleaning and organizing to insulation and weather stripping, this winter home maintenance to-do list will help get your home in tip-top shape for the holidays.
Read on to find out how to maintain your home this winter both inside and out!

Indoor Winter House Cleaning & Organizing

Kitchen Cabinets: While you're stuck indoors in winter weather, take the opportunity to give your kitchen cabinets a good cleaning to remove any grease and grime. To make the job easy, spray on a little orange oil cleaner to cut the grease, then wipe the cabinets clean with a wet sponge that's been microwaved about 40 seconds. Be sure to wear gloves so you don't burn your hands! The combination of citrus oil and hot water will make short work of grease on cabinets.

Stovetop and Oven: Citrus-based cleaner also works great for cleaning your stove. Start by removing the burners and pans, then give the stovetop a good cleaning using the same hot sponge method. Be sure to remove and clean the knobs and the surface behind them as well. For stubborn stains, sprinkle a little baking soda and scrub. While you're at it, be sure to clean your oven with a commercial oven cleaner, following the instructions. For a greener option, sprinkle the bottom of the oven with baking soda, spritz with water, let it sit overnight, then scrub it clean.

Range hood and Filter: Allowing grease to build up on range hoods and over the stove microwave fans can reduce their efficiency and shorten the life of the fan. In addition to cleaning the outer and inner surfaces of a range hood or microwave with a citrus cleaner, it's important to remove and clean the range hood grease filter regularly by washing it in the sink in hot, soapy water or running the filter in the dishwasher. If you can access the exhaust fan on the range hood, turn the circuit breaker off and clean the fan blades as well.

Closets: Take advantage of a rainy or snowy day to clean and organize your closets. Remove everything from the closet and give the floors and woodwork a good cleaning. Then, before putting anything back, take a look and see if you're getting the best use out of the space. Some new DIY wire track shelving along with hanging bars, drawers, bins, and baskets can increase your storage space dramatically. For help designing and organizing your closet, consider hiring a company specializing in organizational solutions to design and install a new closet system in your home.

Bathroom Drains: Nothing ruins a good shower like a slow running drain! To clean tub and sink drains, remove the drain assembly and insert a drain stick in the drain pipe to pull out any hair or other clogs. Follow this by pouring a little bleach down the drain, allow it to sit for 10-15 minutes, then flush it with water to kill any mold or mildew lurking in the pipe.

Home Inventory: Winter is a great time to compile a home inventory of all your prized possessions for insurance purposes, or update to inventory you have with any new purchases from the past year. Be sure to document it with photos, videos, and receipts. Make extra copies and store them in a safe place away from your home, such as a safe deposit box or with a friend or relative.

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